Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Welcome! This site is to pay homage to the beautiful Persian people roaming this planet. Sure, you may think, "Oh good-looking models/actors... I've seen this before..." Yes, they are like all other models beautiful, sexy, proportionally perfect, and highly photogenic. But here's the difference: Persians are also incredibly intelligent! (talk about fantastic genes) So when you are taking a look at these gorgeous creatures, please remember they are likely educated individuals who have taken up a position in the entertainment field purely for a secondary purpose (monetary/hobby/curiousity).

A young Persian is taught that the most valued feature of a person is their education. You can be the most breath-taking person in the world, but if you haven't gone to university and "made something of yourself", you are still lacking true worth. Therefore, these Persian hotties are attractive inside and out! There is more to do than just drool over them: you can engage in a real conversation about politics, law, medicine and more! Zendehbaad!

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